What Do You Believe About You?

What if you could believe anything you wanted to about yourself?

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What if you could believe anything you wanted to about yourself?

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Thank you for joining me for You Are Destined For Greatness. I'm Shane Jacob, and today I want to discuss a very important principle, and that is the second principle that we use in Stable Living coaching, and that principle is faith in ourselves. So what this means is, we're talking about the real beliefs that we hold to be true about ourselves, deep down.

Faith in ourselves encompasses everything from self-confidence, self-esteem, self-image, and our relationship with ourselves. The beliefs that we have about ourselves, they impact everything about us. They influence all of our relationships and all of our outcomes. And let me tell you something, horses key in on this. They know what we're thinking about. They know what we think about ourselves, and they can see it a mile away. And let me tell you another little secret about that. People know too. Okay?

So, here's the deal. We all know this. We know that we're supposed to have confidence in ourselves and love ourselves and so on. And most of us think that we are confident. We think that we've already accomplished this belief. But here's the real truth, everything that's not working out with you is tied to your sense of self-worth. And as much as we think we've got this, we don't really. We know it ‘here,’ but we haven't fully got it in 'here.'

Brooke Castillo is the owner of the Life Coach School, and she says that after coaching and teaching thousands and thousands of people over a 20-year career, that every issue that was presented to her in coaching came down to worthiness or a lack of worthiness. There are mountains of research that prove that low self-esteem can result in everything from depression to death, and everything in between, every negative thing in between.

So, here's the deal. Your beliefs about you aren't something that you just form as a young person and then it's over. Your relationship with yourself is something that you develop over a lifetime. It's something that you can commit to pursue, and it's something that will have a positive impact on everything that you do.

And, there's more. What if you could believe anything that you wanted to about yourself? What would that be like? Because here's the deal, you can. You get to believe anything you want to about yourself. So, what's it going to be? You know, I didn't use to like me so much. I was even disgusted and ashamed of myself and I tried to hide in life. You know I had lied, and I tried to hide from it for years. And I changed that, and my world miraculously got a hell of a lot better.

It doesn't matter what you think about you right now. What matters is knowing that whatever your beliefs are, you can change them if they're not serving you. And you can improve them even if they're good, and if you want them to be better. It's a choice that you get to make, and you can make that when you become aware that you can make it. And we'll show you how.

Today I'm going to give you one step or one habit to work on in believing that you are the priceless and invaluable soul that I know that you are. And so here it is.

The first step to being aware. The first step is to become aware of the thoughts and the words that you say about yourself. So, what I mean by that is just to notice what you think to yourself or say to people when you make a mistake. How do you describe yourself to other people? When you drop something or spill something, are you clumsy or you a klutz? Do you ever describe yourself as lazy or a procrastinator? What do you think or say about yourself when you fail at something or when you're afraid of something? Because you want to begin to always be kind to yourself, and here's how you can measure if you're being kind to yourself or not.

If you wouldn't want to think or say what you're thinking or saying about someone that you deeply love, don't think or say it about yourself, ever. Just begin with this. This little step is really important. So don't think that it's okay to even do it just a little bit, this negative self-talk. And don't expect perfection immediately. If you're not used to listening for it, just notice. Then if you think or say something unkind, just replace it with a thought or words that's something that you'd feel good about saying to someone that you love.

Hey, you got this. I have full faith in you because You Are Destined For Greatness.