To deeply understand another human being

Transcript for this weeks message

Did you know that a rewrite is part of communication? Welcome to the first part of my four -part series on communication. It's been said that communication is the most important and valuable skill that we can possess, and you better believe it. Week one and week four are our understanding more of what's being communicated to you. Week two is on knowing what to communicate and week three is knowing how to communicate.

Estimates suggest that up to 80 % of communications are misunderstood. It's a miracle that we can function as well as we do with all of the miscommunication. It's important to know that the vast majority of what you're putting down is not being picked up and not to assume that you're being understood. As a matter of fact, you should assume that you are not being understood and you'd be right about 80 % of the time. I'm going to tell ou how to reverse that, how to get clarity and how to actually understand what someone is trying to communicate to you every single time.

 In the horse business, we call this technique giving the person a reride. It goes like this, during a conversation, person one gives you a bunch of information. When they have finished, you say, let me repeat that back to you to make sure I understand what you're saying. Then you repeat the information back to them in your own words, the way that you understood it.

Most of the time, there will be all or part of the communication that was misunderstood. This gives person one the chance to clarify what was misunderstood. In other words, we're giving them a reride. When they have finished explaining the information for the second time, you repeat the process by saying, I'm going to repeat what you just said said to make sure I understand it." Then put it into your own words, again, the way you understood it, to see if you got their meaning.

Repeat these steps until Person 1 says that you understand what they're trying to communicate.

It usually only takes once or twice and is a huge win when you actually understand what people want you to understand. You will end up wasting less time and money and avoiding a lot of hurt feelings and frustration.

Now go give it a shot, practice it, develop it into a habit. You'll be glad you did. You Are Destined for Greatness.