Let’s Talk about Mindset

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Transcript for this weeks message:

Hi, I'm Alyssa, assistant coach at The Horsemanship Journey, and this is my new newsletter.

Let's talk about mindset. A fixed mindset basically means that your overall perspective of life is the way things are, is the way things are going to be, and you do your best to get by with the way things are.

Now, a growth mindset basically means that you accept responsibility for it and make choices that determine how things are. This is what gives you the power to design and live the life that lights you up. And the life that lights you up is what The Horsemanship Journey and my new newsletter are all about. If you want more of what lights you up and less of the way things are, you can actually have that by changing your thoughts. More on this to come.

I'm excited to have you all with us. We'll see you next week unless you really believe the way things are is the way things are.

Naw, I think you're better than that. You are Destined for Greatness!