Your naysayers may mean well but they will crush your potential if you let them.

Transcript for this weeks message

Darren LaCroix is a guest on the horsemanship journey. He said, "Well -meaning people train the dreams out of us." So here's a question for you. What dream did you have that you're not going for? You thoughts probably just went from a dream that you had to why you're not going for it.

 That's normal for our brains to go right to reasoning why we don't have what we want. But right now, just go back to that dream you have or did have. Think about some of the dreams you've had even back when you were young. What are some of the things you wanted to be, to do or to have? Our dreams are unique to us. They are a part of our individual and distinct creation. Our good and healthy dreams and desires are divinely inspired. They guide us toward our God -given talents and abilities so that we can reach more of our potential and be happier. There's even a scripture that says, "Men are that they might have joy."

But back to the question. What dream did you have that you're not going for? When we were young, nearly all of us had well -meaning adults that tried to protect us from feeling bad and from failure. Saying things like, "Why don't you try something you're more suited for?" Or, "It takes a lot of money to be good at that "and we just don't have the money." Those kids grew up in that.

 That's only for people who grew up in that and on and on. Then, it's family, friends, and coworkers as we grow older that are constantly telling us why we can't live our dreams. Saying things like, "But you have a family now. "I wouldn't try it in this economy. "You'll end up homeless. "Are you sure that's the responsible thing? "That sure seems risky. "You could get hurt and so on." on. We get bombarded with negative message naysayers to the point that we eventually believe what they say and give up on what really lights us up.

Most of these people really are trying to protect us. Some want us to stay at their level and are threatened by the idea that we might improve and somehow become better than they are. Whatever the reason people say what they do, here' what's important in this.

 One, don't be the negative voice for your kids or anyone else. Be the voice of encouragement.

Two, consider only giving time to people who support you.

Three, you have competing voices in your head. The negative thoughts can be strong. Double down on positive thoughts. Say them out loud and say them often. Be aware of the negative creeping in and drown them out with positive statements.

 And four, believe me now, you can live your dreams. It's not too late. You are Destined for Greatness.