Are you being a chicken?

Transcript for this weeks message

You're a chicken. That's right. You heard me. You. You're a chicken. Most of us have this thing going on to one degree or another where we have this thing that we want to accomplish. Something that we want to do or have. And we haven't started on it yet. You've thought about it. but you haven't taken the first step. The reason that you haven't taken the first step when it comes down to it is that you're a big fat chicken.

And what I'm talking about is this. If you're procrastinating beginning something that you want to have or do, the reason that you're not doing it is you're fearing something about it. You may be fearing how hard it is, maybe fearing rejection. You may be fearing discomfort, you may be thinking you'll fail, you might think it's too hard, you might think it'll take up too much time, whatever it is, basically you're just being a chicken. So the question is, do you really want to have or do what you're thinking about?

Because here's the deal, you really should just take that first step and dive in. You know half the time we put it off, because we want it to be perfect. Oh, I can't do it right now because I don't have time. It won't be good enough, blah, blah, blah. And then we never do a damn thing. It never goes anywhere and you don't get it done.

You're being a chicken. It's not going to be perfect no matter when it is or how much time or any of that. So the message I have for you today is this. If there is really something that you want to have or do, just begin. Just do it. Just start without all the worry and the thought about what may or may not be about how it's going to turn out and all these extracurricular thoughts.

Focus on what you want to have and take that first step. Be a badass, not a chicken. You Are Destined For Greatness.