This habit opens doors all around you!

Transcript for this weeks message

Fear is a powerful and complex emotion. Getting the result that you want begins with being aware. Awareness is a skill that you can learn and form into a habit. Begin by noticing when you feel things change in your body.

Notice if your breathing changes. or if you feel a vibration. Notice if you feel lightheaded, flush, tingly, or any other differences in your body. Notice when you feel your body change. Is it when you think about riding, when you put your foot into the stirrup, when you ask for the lope, when does it happen?

One of the best exercises is to stop when you feel a change in your body. If you're on a horse, ask your horse to stop. Just pause and feel what's happening in your body. Describe what you're feeling to yourself. Describe what's happening around you. Then describe what you're thinking. What thoughts or sentences or phrases in your mind are coming to you right now.

If you're on a horse, feel the horse and feel his body and his breathing. Just pause and reflect. See how much you can be aware of. See how much you can notice about yourself and about your horse if you're riding when this happens. Pausing for several minutes can be helpful in itself. This is a crucial step, so don't dismiss it.

Practice awareness. Form it into a habit. You're on your way. You are Destined for Greatness.