This habit opens doors all around you!

Transcript for this weeks message

A few weeks ago we talked about forming the habit of awareness. Remember, the more you become aware of your thoughts and feelings, the more you'll be able to enjoy the good and manage the bad.

So, I encourage you to be interested in yourself. Be curious and think about your thoughts. As a recap, remember that it's important not to be judgmental towards yourself. Know that it's okay to have thoughts and feelings and question where they come from. Think about the root cause or what may be causing your brain to give you these thoughts and just observe without judgment.

This step alone is very powerful because it opens doors all around you. It allows you to see yourself and understand why you're feeling and acting the way that you are. The next step is to decide if you want to replace the thoughts that are causing you to feel bad and producing results that you don't want. It's very important not to dismiss the awareness.

Becoming aware is enough in itself to solve the problem some of the time. When you take the time to clearly see what thoughts you're having and how they are creating your results, you almost automatically go to the solution. Understanding the why you feel and act the way you do is the key to getting more of the good and less of the results that you don't want.

From there, you can decide what thoughts to replace with intentional thoughts. In this work, the little things that are life -changing realizations that transform your life.

Don't underestimate the power of awareness and remember, You are Destined for Greatness.