If you go about this the way that I teach you and without beating yourself up, you'll have great results.

Transcript for this weeks message

Awareness can be like discovering gold or finding the piece of the puzzle that you've needed to make your life better. Pursuing awareness will enlighten your mind and empower you to improve your life. Becoming aware is a way to improve your life. a prerequisite for getting more of what we want and less of what we don't. It's sort of like getting to know ourselves better in a deeper and more meaningful way

If you go about this the way that I teach you and without beating yourself up, you'll have great results. The first part of forming the habit of being self -aware is to be interested. The moment you notice your emotions changing. just pause and be inquisitive. Wonder why? Think about your feelings. You're going to want to use this technique every time you feel your emotions changing.

It takes a while to form the habit, but as you become more aware, you will more fully enjoy the good and better manage the bad or negative feelings. For example, if your horse throws his head up, up and points his ears at something in another direction, if you notice yourself tensing up, if you notice your breathing changing, if you notice that you're feeling something different, pause and wonder why. Be interested. Just think about the thoughts that you're having and how those thoughts are making you feel. It's important not to judge yourself.

You don't want to condemn yourself for the thoughts and feelings that you're having. Just notice them. Observe and be curious and accept them. Know that whatever they are, it's okay to think those thoughts and feel those feelings. Later, you can replace these thoughts and feelings with ones that serve you better. But for now, just be curious and notice without judgment. Work on this for a few weeks and then we'll move on to the next step. Don't underestimate the value of forming this habit.

This is life -changing stuff right here. Can you feel it? Can you notice it?

I'll see you next week. You are Destined for Greatness.