A quick tip that will have a massive impact

Transcript for this weeks message

Thanks for joining me for this week's tip. Some of my tips are more involved. They take time because they're part of a larger process. This week, I wanted to give you a quick tip that will have a massive impact.

So here it is. Two thoughts that if you repeat often and hold them in your mind will produce real results. The first thought is, it's mine. Use this thought often. Say it, think it, think about it, hold it in your mind. It's mine. This thought means that whatever the challenge is, it's up to us to change it. The moment we stop looking to the horse to the trainer, to the last owner, to the diet, the surroundings, the time of year, their age, to the bit, your sister, your mother, to anything or anyone else other than ourselves, the moment we stop looking elsewhere and look inward is the moment we can begin to make progress towards what we want.

The second thought goes with the first. and it is, I've got this. Say it, think it, think about it, hold it in your mind. The more you think it, the more you can come to know that you have the power and the ability to govern yourself. You are in control of you, and that's a good thing. Circumstances happen to all of us all of the time.

When we know, that what we do with them is up to us and we've got it, it's life changing. Say them together, "This is mine and I've got this." You do have this.

You are Destined for Greatness.