This is the foundation for a healthier mindset and healthier relationships.

Transcript for this weeks message

Let's talk about self talk. Our self talk is a part of our relationship with ourselves, and since our perception of ourselves impacts everything about us, it's way more important than we know. Our self talk influences our emotions, behaviors, and overall well -being. It shapes our perception of ourselves and the world around us. Positive self talk fosters resilience, confidence, a constructive mindset, while negative talk can contribute to anxiety, self-doubt, and a hindered personal growth. Becoming aware of our thoughts and words involves mindfulness and reflection. Pay attention to the narratives playing in your mind. Are they uplifting or are they self deprecating?

Here are three quick steps that will improve how you feel about you.

1. Take moments to pause and assess your inner dialogue. Challenge negative thoughts by questioning their validity.

2. Journal. Journaling can be a helpful tool to document patterns and identify areas for improvement.

3. Surround yourself with a supportive environment and people who uplift you. By consciously monitoring our self talk, we gain the ability to reshape it.

Choose words that empower, encourage, and inspire growth. Constructive self talk lays the foundation for a healthier mindset and healthier relationships.

You Are Destined For Greatness.

Now say it with me. Ready? I Am Destined For Greatness.