Building and maintaining a strong and healthy relationship, shares a fundamental truth.

Transcript for this weeks message

We all want good relationships. For most of us, it's what life's all about. Building and maintaining a strong and healthy relationship, whether with a spouse or a horse, shares a fundamental truth. It requires a substantial and intentional investment of time. Imagine a marriage where partners expect deep emotional connection and understanding without dedicating time to nurture their bond.

Similarly, forging a meaningful connection with the horse necessitates a serious time and effort. Couples who invest quality time in each other's company often develop a profound understanding of one another.  The same principle applies to the relationship between a human and a horse. Horses, like spouses, thrive on consistent, positive interactions.

Spending ample time in their company allows for the development of trust, familiarity, and a bond that goes beyond mere physical presence. Neglecting the time commitment in a marriage may lead to misunderstandings, emotional distance, and a weakened connection. Similarly, expecting a great relationship with a horse without investing time can result in a lack of understanding, mistrust, and a diminished potential for a harmonious partnership.

In essence, the analogy underscores the universal truth that meaningful relationships, be they with a spouse or a horse, flourish when nurtured through the gift of time and dedication. Know it. Use it. You Are Destined For Greatness!