Here's the solution if your horse "won't let you."

Transcript for this weeks message

Thanks for being here with me today. I appreciate you taking your time to check out this week's tip. A phrase that we hear a lot with horses is, he or she won't let me. He won't let me clip his ears. He won't let me load him into the trailer. He won't let me pick up his foot. He won't let me put a blanket on. him. He won't let me insert whatever it is he or she won't do.

If you want to make progress instead of letting your horse be the determining factor about what you're not able to do, you'll have to take a hard look at what you can or cannot do. Because once you recognize that you're not able to do something, you've opened the door to change the result. You don't want to blame your horse for... your inability. Words matter, and if you use the words, he won't let me, when you're stuck, you stop yourself from solving a problem.

The Horsemanship Journey's message to the world is that it's not about the horse. It's not about the trainer, and it's not about any other thing than you. If you want to be good, stop saying, he won't let me. And when you're not able to get something done, say to yourself how can I accomplish this thing what can I do to influence this horse to get the result that I want.

When you're saying he won't let me you're wasting your time, and you don't want to be that guy or gal and you want to know why Because You Are Destined For Greatness!