If you form this exercise into a daily habit, I guarantee you, you will have immeasurable results

Transcript for this weeks message

Achieving greatness isn't genetics, it's not chance, it's not luck. What it is is a choice. The purpose of my weekly message is to give you tips to make choices that will help you achieve the greatness that you are. So get ready because this is a big one. one.

This is a simple but difficult habit. If you form this mindset and this exercise into a daily habit, I guarantee you, you will have immeasurable results. This habit will get you unstuck when you feel stuck. It will give you empowerment when you feel powerless, and it will be able to make you progress when you feel frustrated. So here it is. When you encounter what you consider to be a negative experience as you think about what happened, shift your mind from the outside source to yourself and ask yourself this question, what can I do? Let me give you an example. Let's say you're riding your horse down a country road one afternoon humming a George Strait song when your horse throws his head up and jumps out from underneath you so fast that you don't even know what happened. You're just lying there in the dirt. You get up, you catch your horse, and now comes the time to exercise your habit.

You can blame the wind, you can make up a bunch of excuses for your horse, you can be mad at your horse, you can be mad at God, you can blame bad luck, you can think your horse is mad at you, you can think a whole bunch of thoughts your horse may be having. But in this case, just like every other case the only thing that's going to improve the future is shifting your mind from the outside source to yourself. Thinking about the weather, the wind, your horse or any other outside source won't improve the future and if you want a different outcome next time shift the focus from all outside sources to yourself and ask yourself what can I I do to prevent this from happening again?

This is the only way to have a better result. When you shift your mind to yourself and ask yourself what can I do, you've made a place for constructive, helpful thinking that will give you a better result. As you begin to approach all situations this way with your new habit, you'll be amazed at how much progress you can make. and how liberating and how much power you'll have to create your future when you start thinking about what you can do instead of what something or someone did to you.

It may seem too simple, but don't underestimate the power of a simple habit. You Are Destined For Greatness.