Your mindset when you are at your lowest of lows is crucial!

Transcript for this weeks message

We don't have to worry much about how we handle good times. Good times are easy to enjoy because there's not much adversity. A better measure of ourselves is how we handle difficult times. This idea has been noted in Scripture such as, "Endure this well, and thy reward will be great." Today's tip is about looking at the events of our lives from the proper perspective.

One of the most useful thoughts when the chips are down, when the world feels like it's crumbling down around you, when you're at your lowest level. of lows, is to realize that what's happening is probably not permanent. Extreme cases of thinking that the immediate is permanent can result in all kinds of negative behavior and even suicide. If you can come to realize that whatever is going on will pass, that it's only a small portion of your life, and that the immediate is not permanent, it will help endure the hard times. Just knowing that whatever it is will pass can change how you feel about it and help you to begin to feel better.

 Just remember that bad times are inevitable and when they're upon you, know that this too shall pass. And remember, You Are Destined For Greatness.