Are you being a chicken?

Transcript for this weeks message

Thank you for joining me for this week's tip on how to make a successful transition to doing work that feeds your soul. One of the most common things we see when people begin on a path to change careers and eventually fail is disappointment over unmet expectations.

In Grant Cardone's book, The 10x Rule, Grant says that underestimating the time, money, and effort required to succeed is the norm and that in order to get the results that you want, we should 10 times every estimation and then be willing to put in 10 times the work and effort if we expect to get what we want. At The Horsemanship Journey, we see people fail because they're not willing to do what's required. They don't have a solid plan, and they didn't have enough support. Here's the secret.

The key to being successful in changing careers isn't having enough money. It's not taking enough time. It's not putting in enough work either. The key is managing your thoughts. That's right. The key is your thinking. The people who succeed manage their thoughts. thoughts, which creates the results that they want. You can dream up whatever excuse you want, and believe me, people do. Our default thinking usually comes up with plenty of excuses that we call reasons to justify our behavior and make ourselves be at peace with our choices.

The bottom line is, whatever you desire is possible. And the key to not being derailed by unmet expectations and other thoughts that don't serve you is managing your mind. That's what we do. We help you better manage your mind because you actually can, have, do, and become whatever it is that you desire.

Know this is true. You Are Destined For Greatness.