It's not what you think it is.

Transcript for this weeks message

If I told you that I had a video for sale that would guarantee to get your husband to do what you want him to do, you might buy it, or you might think I was crazy. Either way, your results would be limited, and you would probably be unhappy with your purchase. Why? Because it wouldn't work. It wouldn't work because you can't control your husband. It's a relationship with an individual that has their own free will. The best you can do is influence what he does by what you do. The only thing you can do that will have a lasting and helpful result is focus on yourself instead of trying to train your husband.

If you're frustrated with something your horse is doing or not doing, the thing that has been the most influence on your horse's behavior is not what you think it is. It's not the technique, it's not the how-to video, it's not the next trainer, it's not the calming supplement, it's not the chiropractor, not the acupuncture, not the bit, not the shoes, and not the saddle. The thing that has the most influence on your horse's behavior is your thoughts.

When you get clear on the idea that what you have with your horse is a relationship and that your thoughts are what most influence his decisions, you are on your way to the respectful and meaningful relationship that you and your horse both deserve. If you're frustrated with how things are going with your horse's experience, whether you feel like your horse is the problem or you feel like you're the problem, either way, our system will help you start showing up with more knowledge and more confidence.